Friday, December 24, 2010

Super Mom!

Last Sunday we woke up as usual and started preparing for the day: church, lunch, hanging out, etc.  I was holding Ethan when he suddenly looked very ill.  I looked him in the eyes and said, "are you OK?"  He said, "I am going to barf!"  No sooner had I set him down when it started to happen.  I reached out my hands in a cup shape and caught the barf coming out of his mouth. 

This may seem pretty disgusting, but really I hadn't even thought about what I was was a reflex.  I was amazed at how fast my body took over, and kinda disgusted as well....but the barf never made it to the carpet.  I guess it is all just part of being the mom.  You never know when instinct and lightning fast reflexes will take over!

Have you ever considered what Mary went thru with Jesus?  Talk about a Super Mom!  One day she is minding her own business, and the next day an angel comes to tell her that she will be carrying the Son of God....whoa...that is pretty heavy.  Not only will she be pregnant, with God, but she will raise Him, as any other family would do.  She will be responsible for Him.  She will nurture Him.  She will hold His hand.

Can you even imagine getting a chance to hold Christ's hand?  I get giddy just thinking about it!  I hope we all get a chance to spend some real quality time with our Savior in Heaven...and not just to talk, but to revel in His glory.

There isn't too much info on Mary in the Bible.  The one part that stands out to me is when the family takes it's yearly trip to Jerusalem to the feast.  After the feast is over the family, and all their relatives start to travel home.  They make it a whole day away from Jerusalem when they realize that Jesus (a small boy at the time) is not with them. 

Being a mother myself, I can't even begin to fathom how Mary felt!  I'm sure she was in a state of panic, and unfortunately there were no planes, trains or automobiles to get her back to where Jesus might be.  She had to walk, with everyone else, back the days journey to search an entire city to find her son.

What would you do when you found him?  If it were me, he would have gotten in BIG trouble.  Mary and Joseph reacted a bit differently.

Luke 2:46 "After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. 48 When his parents saw him, they were astonished.  His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” 49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them."

Did you catch that first part?  Three days!  As if being the mother of the Son of God wasn't going to be difficult enough, you have to let Him go, and be part of the bigger picture.  I think Mary knew this going into it, although in this particular passage both her and Joseph were confused at why Jesus would need to be in the temple.  It was probably much later that they realized, for the 1,000th time, I'm sure, that He WAS the Son of God, and He needed to be learning, and teaching.  I have a whole new respect for her after pondering what she must have gone thru.

Christmas will be here tomorrow, and then another year will begin.  My baby boy will be 4, and I will be that much closer to having to let him go.  For now I must trust in the Lord to watch over him, and lead him down the path that he must travel.  I pray that some day he, too, will ask Christ to be his Savior.  Until then, I will hold him tight, and teach him all I can about God and His great plans.


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