Monday, December 7, 2009

It's almost Christmas!

Not sure why, but every year I get super excited when it's time to start buying presents.  I think for me it is the joy of seeing someone open the present I gave them, and anticipating their reaction. 

This year is going to be especially awesome, because it will be the first time Ethan knows what the heck is going on.  He has a stuffed animal Santa, and he carries him around the house all the time.  Santa gets to eat dinner with us, sleep with Ethan, read bed time stories to him (curtousy of mom's bad impression), and even watch Ethan take a bath.  In fact, Santa is pretty much doing all my chores. 

We went Christmas shopping 2 weekends ago, and Santa came with us.  We went to the mall so Ethan could see the "real" Santa Claus, but he was too scared so we just looked at him from a safe distance.  It was so funny because ever time Ethan would get excited about something he would say, "Santa, did you see that?"  "Do you like this, Santa?"

Anyway, here are some pics of the event...enjoy!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nicolas Update

Well, Dana, Eric, and Nicolas are home now.  Thank goodness!  They ran some genetic testing to make sure he didn't have down syndrom or anything.  The doctors were worried because it appeared that the plates in his head had fused to soon, and they thought that they might have to operate.  Turns out, he is fine!!  Hooray!