Sunday, November 21, 2010


I woke up on Friday morning to my alarm, and purposefully turned it off.  I lay there...thinking about the things that would go on that day..and pondering over my troubles; where are we gonna find the money to travel for the holidays..what if Ethan gives me a hard time this morning and I'm late again...the usual.  I picked up my phone and scrolled thru the headlines.
The first one that caught my eye was about a family that had been brutally murdered and stuffed into a hollowed out tree.  WHOA!  Hold everything!  Talk about an instant wake up call to pull me back to the reality of the world around me.  Now my thoughts were changing; thank God for my family...I just want to spend one more minute with my son!

I saw another headline about the horrible outbreak of Cholera in Haiti.  Over 18,000 people are now affected, and homeless since the earthquake there.  I looked around and praised God for the roof over my head, and for the comfortable bed I was laying in.

I think you see where I am going with this.  Most days we walk around stuck in our own bubbles..concerned about what others think of us, or how we can fix a mundane annoyance in our lives...but we seldom stop to put ourselves in the shoes of those less fortunate.  We are too busy thinking about what is next, and never content with what we are already fortunate to have.

 In John 4 an account is told of Jesus sitting by a well.  A woman approaches the well to draw water.  She is a Samaritan (considered unclean to Jews), and of course, Jesus is Jewish.  He asks her to give him a drink.  She is confused at the request because she can tell he is Jewish, and asks Jesus why he would even want her to get him water.  He replies that if she knew who was asking her for a drink that she would in turn ask for Him to give her a drink.

13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Christians are no different that anyone else when it comes to wanting more, however, there is a certain peace and fulfillment that comes when you accept Jesus as your Savior.  In those times when I am concerned about how we will be able to afford a trip to Nana's house, I am comforted by the knowledge that God will make provisions for us. 

In the same manner, I have come to understand that God allows things to happen to us, that we may not understand, to strengthen us, and mold us into the person He needs us to be.  We will all serve a purpose, even if you don't believe in God.  In our Christian infancy we are molded thru trials and the pursuit of more of His Spirit.  As non-believers, we are molded thru trials that lead us on the path to our reason for being, be it good or bad, or as an example for others.

In longing for the things of this world, we are proving the need for something more.  There is a God sized hole in our hearts, and until you fill it, your thirst will never be quenched.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."  Romans 8:28


Thursday, November 11, 2010


I was listening to a sermon a couple days ago where the pastor was talking about his friend (we will call him Frank) who had just gotten back from a trip to China.  Frank had observed that even in this imperialistic country, there was a Christian revolution happening.  Frank visited the underground churches there, and was talking to a young girl at one of them. 

The young girl asked him, "Why aren't all Americans Christian?"

This is a very good question..and one I would like to ponder upon.  So, I posed the question to an average American, and their response was, "Well, because it is a free country, and we can decide on what religion, or non-religion we want to be a part of".

This answer seems logical and true..however, if you take the question from the girl, and put yourself in her shoes, isn't she really asking, "Why would any American choose another religion, when they can be Christian?"  You see, this girl lives in a place where you are not allowed free will to choose what to worship.  She was gracefully given the opportunity to hear Christ's message, and she is now a 'closet Christian'.  Not because it was the only other option, but because she heard the truth, and opened her heart to receive it.

It is hard for most to understand why people who 'believe' in God try to 'push' themselves and their 'religion' on others.  I want to try and explain my motivation, if you should ever cross my path, and start to talk about God.

  1. I do 'believe' in God...but that is not what makes me Christian.  Even Satan believes in God...he used to be the worship leader in Heaven!  What makes me Christian is the fact that I have let go of who I once was, and instead, ask Christ to be my Savior, and I live for Him. 
  2. I am not trying to 'push' my 'religion' on you.  I LOVE my God, and I desire that everyone know Him the way that I do.  If a topic of conversation comes up where I have the opportunity to speak about God, you better believe I am going to!  That doesn't mean that you MUST do as I do...if I can simply talk about what makes me happy, then you should be glad to talk to me about it.  It's like someone telling me how much they love their child..don't you want to know how much I love my child..or is this a one sided conversation?
  3. 'Religion' is not the correct term to describe what I have gotten myself into.  Religion is defined as a commitment to a religious faith or observance.  I have not made a commitment to Christianity...I have given my heart over to God.  My relationship with God is just that..a relationship.  I talk to Him on a regular basis (prayer), and He talks back.  Sometimes he answers my questions thru other people telling me something random that they would have never talked about, but suddenly they have the urge to tell me.  Sometimes He answers me with things that happen, like a new job or friend, or a dream.  After your first Godly experience, faith is not even an just know that God is there!
I can't expect everyone to take my word for it...but by reading my words your mind is opening to the possibility that maybe there is something out there.  His Spirit will come to you when the time is right, and if you are willing. 

My only advice for you is to not take His calling lightly.  God will try to come into your life, and He will put you in situations where you can make the decision to open your heart to Christ....but one day, the opportunities will cease.  Don't let Him pass you by.


Monday, November 8, 2010


We sat down to watch a show together tonight..something rare in our household.  I was taken aback by the cussing, sexual references, and just bad humor.  This show used to crack me up, and now it made me sad.  The thing that made me laugh the hardest was when one of the characters played dumb and didn't understand what the other one was saying.

For the past 8 months my life has been changed...and for the better.  To the outsider I may seem prude.  I can't watch 'funny' movies, because what used to be funny is now considered dumb.  Instead, movies, television, and media have opted for the updated version of and murder.  Does this seem crazy to anyone else?

My co-worker today was telling me about a new Jack in the Box commercial that was imitating an erectile dysfunction add.  Do we really need someones private parts mentioned in a humorous way to help sell us a hamburger?  It seems as though the farther away I try to get from these things, the more they impact me when I see them.

Even worse was an article from the increasingly popular "The Onion" website.  Granted, it is satire..but there comes a time when even a fiction writer can cross a line.  The story was making fun of a man who had repented of his sins and accepted Christ as his savior while in prison.  While the author talks about how he knows that Jesus has forgiven him, he says stuff like, "I don't regret when I was strangling that little child while the mother was watching, because now I know that I am going to Heaven."  Trust was much more descriptive than what I just wrote.

This article was posted on a Facebook page, and unfortunately I read it..and then was very offended and wrote that on the person's wall.  It turned into a 50 comment bashing of my Christian beliefs because I didn't think it was all.

Hmmmm....maybe there is something to this.  Is it possible for the American people be so morally subjected every day, and still maintain an un-sinful lifestyle?  Has sin become the new wholesome family pastime?  With technology exponentially changing and every question answerable at our fingertips,  with adds popping up all around for Viagra, diet pills, and such, how can we avoid it?  Do we really want to avoid it?

I do.  You may call me a square...oh wait, you wouldn't because that would be too old school.  Our nation is becoming desensitized to sin.  The generations emerging as young adults are doomed from the beginning.  I shudder to think of how Ethan will be treated in the world as a teenager.  If I can raise him correctly, no doubt, he will be cast out because of his beliefs.

Lord, be with our children.  Put an overwhelming sense in them to get far far away from the evil things of this world.  Instead let them be drawn to the glory of your son.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Prophetic Dreams

Lately I have been thinking about the idea that was presented to me about making a book with people's testimonies and their pictures.  I prayed for God to tell me if this was even supposed to happen.

Last night we had a mini Thanksgiving because my sis was in town.  So the whole family (my side) got together for the first time since last Christmas!  It's really not that many people, but we are all slightly crazy, so when we are all in one room, it makes you kinda anxious...or something.

I got into a conversation with my uncle, and he told me he had recently been poking around my Facebook photography page.  He had a dream shortly after that I had created a coffee table book of photos of churches.  There were lots of details, even down to who published it.

Now, if you have kept up with me, you will know that I had been given an idea to create a book of people from the church, and their testimonies.  How crazy is that?!  I was shocked, to say the least..but that is how God works!  You pray, and ask for a sign, and BOOM! He gives it to you!

"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." Acts 2:17

As if this wasn't awesome enough, it was even more so to hear that my uncle and his wife were saved.  I went to bed happy, and began praying.  While I was thanking God for this dream, the idea came to go ahead with the pictures of churches, and sneak in the testimonies in between.  What better way to get so many people's attention!

Another cool thing about all of this, is that I have had this urge to take pictures of churches since I started doing photography...and now I know why!  So, I am already ahead..I have LOTS of pictures to use already!

So...if you would like to include your testimony in the 'coffee table book'..please send me an email:
